How Many People Use Social Media

 Use Social Media: In 2018, it’s estimated that there will be 2.77 billion social media users around the world. That’s a lot of people! Also, it's simply going to continue to develop over the long haul. But what does this mean for businesses? Well, social media is a powerful tool that can be used for marketing and advertising purposes.

How Many People Use Social Media

But it can also be used to build relationships with customers and create a strong brand identity. In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at how many people use media and how businesses can benefit from this trend.

 people use social media?

As of July 2019, it is estimated that there are 3.48 billion social media users worldwide. This number represents roughly 45% of the global population. North America has the highest social media penetration rate at around 80%.
The most well known web-based entertainment stages are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Facebook is the most used social media platform with 2.23 billion monthly active users as of April 2019.

YouTube has 1.9 billion monthly active users, WhatsApp has 1.6 billion monthly active users, and Instagram has 1 billion monthly active users.
Online entertainment utilization has filled quickly lately. In 2010, only around one-third of the global population used social media. By 2019, this number had jumped to nearly half of the world’s population. The rise in social media usage can be attributed to a number of factors, including the increasing availability of internet access and mobile devices.

What platforms are most popular?

There are a variety of social media is Best platforms that are popular among different demographics. For example, Facebook is popular among all age groups, while Snapchat is most popular among teenagers. Here is a list of the most popular social media platforms, according to various studies:

How does social media usage vary by age and location?

There is a lot of variation in social media usage by age and location. In general, younger people tend to use social media more than older people, and people in urban areas tend to use media more than those in rural areas. Notwithstanding, there are numerous special cases for these patterns.

For example, Facebook is more popular among older adults than younger adults in the United States. And while Twitter is used more often by urbanites than rural residents in the US, this is not the case in all countries. In Japan, for instance, Twitter is actually more popular among rural users than urban users.

What are the most common activities on social media?

The most common activities on social media are checking updates from friends, sharing photos and videos, playing games, and engaging in group conversations. Checking updates from friends is the most popular activity, with 74% of social media users saying they do this on a daily basis. Sharing photos and videos is the second most popular activity, with 70% of users doing this daily. Playing games and engaging in group conversations are also popular activities, with 47% and 42% of users respectively doing these daily.

How long individuals spend via online entertainment?

As of July 2018, the average person in the United States spends nearly two hours on social media every day. That’s more than 10% of our waking hours! This stat is even higher for people between the ages of 18 and 29, who spend an average of 3 hours per day on social media.
With social media becoming such an integral part of our lives, it’s no surprise that the amount of time we spend on it has been steadily increasing over the years. In 2012, the average American spent about 1 hour and 45 minutes on social media each day. Just six years later, that number has increased by 14 minutes.

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So what are we doing with all this time on social media? A lot of it is spent scrolling through our feeds. We check Facebook an average of 14 times per day, spending a total of 50 minutes on the site. On Instagram, we spend about 53 minutes per day, checking our feed 32 times. Twitter isn’t too far behind, with users spending about 47 minutes per day and checking their feed 23 times.


It's obviously true that web-based diversion has taken command over the world According to recent statistics, over 3 billion people worldwide use media on a daily basis. That's a lot of people! And it's not just young people who are using social media — adults of all ages are logging on to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat to stay connected with friends and family.

With so many people using social media, it's no wonder that businesses are starting to take notice and use media as a way to reach out to their customers. On the off chance that you're not previously involving web-based entertainment for your business, right now is an ideal opportunity to begin!

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